Constitution, Standing Orders and Rules
CONSTITUTION (amended AGM Nov 2022)
1. The name of this body, hereinafter called "the club" shall be the Cleveleys Road Club.
2. The club colours are dark blue, light blue and yellow
3. The object of the club shall be to facilitate cycling in all its aspects.
4. Membership of the Club shall be open to anyone over 16 years of age. No application will be rejected by the Committee on the grounds of sex, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, or other beliefs.
5. Only club members will be allowed to vote at General Meetings.
6. The club shall appoint from its members such officers as shall be deemed necessary.
7. The management of the club shall be vested in the Committee consisting of the officers of the club, i.e., President and Vice Presidents ex officio, Chairman, Secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer, Racing Secretary, Publicity Officer, and such special Committee members as shall be deemed necessary.
8. All funds of the club shall be under the control of the Committee.
9. In the event of a deficiency occurring in the funds of the club all members of the club shall be equally liable to meet such a deficiency.
10. In the event of the club disbanding, all the balance of the accounts shall be held in trust in the bank until fit and proper persons are willing to re-form the club. The bank shall be appointed as Trustees of the Trust Fund.
11. This constitution may only be amended by the majority of those present at a General Meeting called for that purpose. Copies of the Agenda giving particulars of proposed amendments shall be available to all members at least fourteen days before the meeting.
1. These Standing Orders shall be applicable to all members and Committee Meetings.
2. Meetings to discuss any business of the club shall be held in accordance with the rules.
3. In the absence of the Chairman the members present shall elect a temporary Chairman who shall preside until the arrival of the Chairman.
4. The Chairman shall have a casting vote but shall not have power to adjourn any meeting without the consent of the meeting.
5. The Chairman shall have power to decide points of order and the priority of the speakers and his decision upon these matters and upon the interpretation of the normal rules of debate shall be final.
6. Any matter not on the agenda may be brought forward without notice provided that it does not involve alterations to the Constitution, Rules or Standing Orders and subject to the consent of the meeting.
7. Items for inclusion in the Agenda of a General Meeting shall be in the hands of the Secretary at least fourteen days prior to the meeting. Copies of the Agenda shall be available to all members at least seven days before the meeting.
8. The Secretary shall be instructed at the conclusion of any General Meeting regarding the items to be released for publication. A bulletin shall be issued after each Committee Meeting except for those items which the Committee deem as confidential.
9. If an organization approaches the club asking for assistance with an event that they are organizing, the committee shall consider such requests.
1. Any individual desiring to become a member of the club shall complete the Club's Application Form or apply online with the joining fee, membership will be approved by the membership secretary and one other member of the Committee. At any future time should three or more members raise an objection a committee meeting shall decide the suitability of an individual for continuing membership. The decision of the Committee shall be final.
2. (a) Club Membership is currently £15. New members shall pay the above subscription on date of joining with a discount of 50% mid-way through the club year. New members will be considered as having not been a previous member in the last twelve months at the time of applying. Members shall indicate whether they represent this club in racing events.
2. (b) For recruitment purposes, and when deemed necessary, the club may advertise special free benefits to members of the public for three months only where they have never previously been a member of any cycling club.
3. (c) It is the Club’s policy to advise all members riding with the club to be covered for third party insurance. Anyone not covered for third party insurance can be insured by being a member of British Cycling, Cycling UK or through an insurance broker.
4. The accounts of the club shall be certified by two independent auditors who are not members of the club. The financial year will end on the 31st of August when fees are due.
5. Only established members of the club shall be entitled to vote at meetings and General Meetings. At no meeting shall any person have more than one vote.
6. The club President shall be elected every five years by the AGM for one term only from the Vice-Presidents and shall upon election become an honorary life member of the club.
7. Any person whom the club wish to honour because of their services to the club can be made an Honorary Vice-President at a General Meeting and shall also become an Honorary Member. Honorary Membership of the club may also be awarded by the Committee to any person who they consider having furthered the aims of the club or cycling in general.
8. The Annual General Meeting will be held no later than the end of the calendar year.
9. No Rule or Standing Order may be altered, added to, or deleted without the consent of the majority of those present and voting at a General Meeting.
10. The Secretary should convene a Committee Meeting as and when necessary and a half yearly General Meeting at the request of not less than one half of the members of the club.
11. The Committee shall have the following powers: -
(a) To appoint from the club, sub-committee to consider and report on any specific matter.
(b) To fill any vacancies that may occur in the Committee and/or Officers during the year.
(c) To adjudicate on any subject not provided for in the Club Rules.
(d) Generally, to carry on the club's business in accordance with the Constitution, Standing Orders and Rules.
12. The Committee shall have full power to expel or otherwise deal with any member guilty of conduct detrimental to the interests of the club. Any member who is expelled or who resigns from the club shall relinquish all benefits offered by the club and shall return all properties belonging to the club.
13. No member of the club shall draw money from the club funds without first having the authority of the Committee.
14. The Committee has the authority to vote off the Committee any member who fails to attend three consecutive meetings without giving a satisfactory reason for his/her absence.
15. No one shall be elected to the Committee unless he/she has been an effective member for the previous twelve months. or has been appointed to a sub-committee during the previous twelve months.
16. A Racing Committee may be formed from the racing members of the club and shall be represented on the Central
Committee by the Racing Secretary.
17. Duties
To be well informed of club activities and to prioritize future goals and developments of the club.
To be responsible for ensuring the club is administered within its constitution, rules, aims and ethical standards and guiding principles.
To represent the club at cycling related functions and meetings if required.
To lead the meeting and set the agenda, maintain order and fairness, and ensure the conventions of the meeting are being followed and approve the formal minutes of the meeting after they have been formatted.
(a) To Convene meetings in accordance with the Rules.
(b) To keep accurate minutes of the proceedings of all meetings.
(c) To attend to all necessary correspondence.
(d) Generally, to conduct the business of the club in accordance with the instructions of the Committee.
(a) To keep an accurate account of all expenditure and monies received on behalf of the club.
(b) To discharge the financial liabilities of the club as instructed by the Committee.
(c) To prepare a statement of all financial transactions during the year which statement shall, after being certified by the Auditors, be presented to the Annual General Meeting.
Membership Secretary:
To keep an accurate up-to-date list of all members.
18. All rides are not led, and each person is responsible for their own safety, riders taking part in Club rides do so at their own risk. Members are responsible for the road worthiness of their cycle and should their cycle be considered unsuitable the rider will be advised accordingly. Cycles must be such as not to cause delays to the main group due to continual breakdown and repairs. Riders are expected to carry basic tools and spare inner tubes.
1. Members competing in racing events must abide by the rules and regulations of the appropriate governing body of the event entered. 1(a) For Time Trials events shall be any Events run under CTT rules. Proof of times may be requested. 1(b) For all Road Racing except for Veterans events shall be any Events run under BC or TLI rules. 1(c) For Veteran Road Racing events shall be any Events run under BC, TLI or LVRC rules.
2. Claims and evidence for awards must be made at the end of the season.
3. Awards are only open to riders who do not race for another club or team.
4. Awards may be presented by the Committee for club activities and achievements when felt necessary
When CRC are approached with requests for assistance with the running of an Event, the Committee shall consider such requests and make recommendations to Members by categorizing events as follow:
a) The Event is beneficial to CRC and its image and shall therefore have full Committee support. Details will be circulated to Members to assist as part of the Club. Club clothing may be worn.
b) The Event is worthy of support but not officially by CRC as such. Details may be circulated about the event, but Members advised that support should be given as individuals rather than as CRC Members. Club clothing should not be worn.
c) The Event is not worthy of CRC support and details will not be circulated to members